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Municipality Instructions - City of Waterloo
Municipality Instructions - City of Waterloo
Updated over a year ago

NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 Ontario province-wide stay-at-home order (spring 2021), we are not permitting community park cleanups. Continue to check back for programming updates on our Partners in Parks program – short-term stewardship activities.

Thank you for signing up for an Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup. We have received the following information from your municipality:

Please see the following instructions on waste removal, supplies, safety and other support the City of Waterloo provides.

Location of clean-up

  • City of Waterloo parks and trails – to find out if a city park has a waterway travelling through it, view our parks directory page

  • Land ownership – Respect private property boundaries and obtain landowner permission; this includes private property and lands owned by the Grand River Conservation Authority, Region of Waterloo, University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, local school boards and bus stops. The City of Waterloo does not pick up garbage collected from private properties, only in city parks.


The City of Waterloo supports small community litter clean-ups taking place on City-managed parks and trails with supplies (garbage bags, cloth gloves) and garbage pickup. If you would like free supplies, please contact us prior to your cleanup, indicating organization name and contact info, park name, date and estimated number of participants. Contact: [email protected] or call City of Waterloo, Environment & Parks Services @ 519-886-2310 x30296.

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