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Municipality Instructions - City of Burnaby
Municipality Instructions - City of Burnaby
Updated over 5 months ago
body of water near green trees during daytime


For any cleanups in City of Burnaby Parks, we work with the Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup (OWSC). Participants must register for a clean-up through the OWSC’s website first, and then follow up with City of Burnaby for further direction. Please follow the steps below.

Register for a Cleanup

· Please go to the OWSC website to create a new account or log into an existing account, and register for a cleanup location in Burnaby.

· You will find a map and a list of historic cleanup sites; chose the best location for your group. You are welcome to suggest a new location, though it takes additional time to approve a new location.

Site Selection

· In general, parks located along walkways to Skytrain stations are problem areas, where most of our ‘busier parks’ are relatively clean. Some groups are disappointed when they find that our parks are quite clean!

· When you select your park, we ask that participants remain on established trails and manicured areas, and not enter any natural areas or streams. For your safety, remain “in arms reach” of the trail.

Garbage Disposal

· At most parks, there are garbage cans available at all the parking lots. You can leave the collected garbage in and beside these bins. Parks Maintenance staff will be prepared to remove the excess garbage after your scheduled event.

· In the case the litter becomes too heavy and you need to leave the bags along the way, leave the bags at a trail intersection, and off to one side so it doesn’t impact other park users. Following the cleanup, please inform us the locations of any garbage bags that are not left at the parking lot bins by emailing [email protected]


· To help sort the recycling, please bring grocery or recycling bags, and place recyclables in them, and the garbage in the garbage bags.

· Put all recyclables into one bag and clearly mark it, otherwise staff will think the bag is garbage. Alternatively, you can take the recycling home to your Blue Bin.

Clean-up Supplies

· We provide a variety of sizes of disposable gloves (1/person to reduce waste) and garbage bags.

· Please share the number of participants in your group, and your pick-up date.

· Supplies are available for pick-up at Parks Administration office, Christine Sinclair Centre:

o 2301-3713 Kensington Ave (second floor)

o Monday to Friday – 8:00 am to 4:45 pm

For any issues or questions regarding registration on the Ocean Wise website, please contact Ocean Wise directly.

Ocean Wise Contact: General Email: [email protected] | Phone: (604) 659-380

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