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Canadian Cleanup Coordinator Resources (English)
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Here are all the resources you will need to successfully plan your Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup in Canada!

Help Guides

Cleanup Supplies Checklist - Here is your Cleanup Supplies Checklist, please review it before, during and after your Shoreline Cleanup!

Municipality Information - Some local municipalities have special instructions for Cleanup Coordinators. Please review our list and read special instructions for your municipality if applicable.

Cleanup Coordinator Guide - The Cleanup Coordinator Guide has everything you need to know to set up your own Shoreline Cleanup!

Participant Guide - The Participant Guide has everything you need to know to make the most of your participation in a Shoreline Cleanup!

Downloadable Resources

Shoreline Cleanup Poster - Use this Shoreline Cleanup Poster to promote your upcoming cleanup!

Data Card - Be sure to have a Data Card on hand during your Shoreline Cleanup. Use this Data Card to record what types of litter you collect.

Content Agreement - This Content Agreement should be read and signed by anyone submitting photos and stories from their Shoreline Cleanup.

Waiver Form - Here is our Shoreline Cleanup Waiver Form, to be read and signed before participating in your Shoreline Cleanup.

Municipality Request Template - This letter template can be used to reach out to your municipality about your upcoming Shoreline Cleanup.

Certificate of Participation - Coordinators can edit and print these certificates for all cleanup participants.

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